Create New Account
control = Creating a Studio Devil account enables you to download demos, activate your products, receive special offers and announcements, and more! To apply for a new account, simply fill out the required fields below and click Create Account.
A valid email account is required and will be used for account validation. Once you submit this form, you will receive an email from us with instructions and a link to validate your new account.
When choosing a password, know that they are case sensitive, must be between 4 and 64 characters in length, and can only contain letters and numbers.
"BVC focuses on just one amp model, and the results are impressive!"
- Computer Music Magazine
"Ever since I bought my first Rockman in the mid 80's I've been almost fanatical about DI guitar and I've tried about every hardware and software solution ever since and your Studio Devil BVC seems to work better out of the box than anything else I've tried."
- Studio Devil User
"This thing sounds like my '76 Marshall 2x12 combo on 10...which is a good thing btw...since I live in and apt and I dont ever want to go back to being homeless ever again."
- Studio Devil User